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Forum Cash

As you might have noticed, we have our own forum currency up and running, named (I know, lacking inspiration :)) TM$.

You can earn The Medically Dollars with the following actions:
- create a new thread: 5
- reply to a thread: 5
- 0.01 TM$ for each character, so that we do reward our members who don't post one-liners.

Community Area and the Community Guidelines and Updates areas are EXEMPT from these, meaning you do NOT earn "dollars" for posting here. Not trying to limit your earning potential, but we'd like to keep off-topic chat to minimum.

BEWARE: while we prepare a lot of options for you to use your hard-earned TM$, please don't spam the forums with useless posts. In this case we'll start deleting sub-quality content (while also reducing the TM$ accordingly). Next step: ban the member.

I'll update this section with more information and we prepare "goodies" for you: one-on-one calls with me, advertising options on The Medically's community, cash-back etc.

1 TM$ = 1 cent
100 TM$ = $1

Payout for any inventory over $10
. Payment is done via PayPal (send as a friend so that you don't lose money in fees).
I have 150 TM$ which means I have earned $1.5? Wow, this is really great. What if I sit all day long and create hundreds to posts (quality posts, of course)? 😀
Do you realize this can be easily abused.
If abused, the members will be kicked out and never awarded their cashback. But, if people are active and write a lot of great quality posts, I have no problem reimbursing them at least partially for their efforts :)