How it Works

For Medical Experts

1. Create Your Profile
Join the hundreds of experts who use The Medically to earn placements in top publications. We have 2 pricing plans: one FREE and one PRO.

2. Search for Relevant Queries
Sort through various queries posted by journalists. Look for the ones that are relevant to your client’s industry or your expertise.

3. Send the Perfect Answer
Sending the right answer to a question/query is easy. Make sure to follow the requirements and provide a concise reply. Only the best answers will be accepted and published. PRO plan users can send UNLIMITED pitches.

4. Get Published
If your answer is right, you’ll get featured in the website requesting your query. For the PRO plan users, we make sure to give you 1 placement GUARANTEED. Meaning we’ll contact you to discuss how to make sure you can have at least 1 successful pitch to get published online.

For Journalists

1. Create Your Profile
Join The Medically, by signing up for your free account to get started.

2. Submit a Query
Create a query and, after being approved, get it published in the FEED. The medical experts will answer it and send you a pitch. Make sure to provide clear guidelines, to get the best possible answers.

3. Choose the Perfect Pitch
Wait for answers to be sent by the medical experts. Choose the one(s) that meet your guidelines and connect with the experts, if you need further details to add to your story.