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What are the essential features of a successful eCommerce website?

Sophia Martinez

New member
What features should I prioritize when building an eCommerce website? Should I focus on mobile responsiveness, payment gateways, product search functionality, or something else?
Your first priority for an ecommerce website should be on user experience and user interface. Visitors to your website should get good user experience and your website should have easy to navigate interface. Mobile responsiveness, multiple payment options, live support system are all the part of a good ecommerce website.
The website NEEDS to be responsive/mobile-friendly and pass Core Web Vitals in the speed check:https://pagespeed.web.dev/ Otherwise it will not be indexed or, if indexed, will get kicked out of the search engine.

A payment gateway needs to be set immediately (how will you earn money otherwise)? There are many options: PayPal, Stripe, Square etc. and they integrate with all big ecom platforms.

Then, make sure the website is easy to use and the products enticing. Most likely you are not selling something unique (even so), this is why you need to keep people intrigued and interested to buy. Good product descriptions, nice images etc.