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Understanding Different Types of Links for Link Building


Link building is very important aspect of Search Engine Optimization. You need to build links on your websites as well as on external websites. However, before you start building links, you need to understand different types of links. There are three different types of links
Internal links: These links connect one page of your website with another page of your websites.
Outbound links: These links connect your website with someone else website. These are the links of other websites that you share on your website.
Inbound links: These links connect other website to your website. These are links of your website that are shared on other websites.
Link building is key to SEO. We have different types of links. These are the links that are within our website directing users from one page to another and links from other websites to our website. They all assist in placing our website higher.
One major mistakes that people are doing when it comes to link building is they are not linking internal content. Building internal link is very important. Likewise, when building in bound links most people are only linking to home page, this is also another mistake.