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How Will ChatGPT Search Engine Impact SEO


ChatGPT now functions as a search engine. Even though it is now available only for pro members, Open AI has said that it will be available for free for all. How do you think AI powered search engine will impact Search Engine Optimization. Will it be a game changer, or will it follow the same criteria for showing search results?
Hmm, it's pretty iffy. AI Overview is eating into website's click-through-rates already. Don't know if chatGPT is going to become mainstream, but we never know. It's a weird time to do SEO though :D
I think AI will certainly end the monopoly of search engines but I do not thunk AI will completely wipe out search engines. People looking for authentic data still need to check the original materials and only search engines will give links to the original materials.
I'm not sure of the implications of ChatGPT functioning as a search engine. But what I do know is that it will keep churning out generic data. Not a good look in my books.
I'm not sure of the implications of ChatGPT functioning as a search engine. But what I do know is that it will keep churning out generic data. Not a good look in my books.
ChatGPT and GPT Search are two different features offered by OpenAI. Even though can access SearchGPT from your ChatGPT dashboard the results they display are different. ChatGPT generate texts based on your prompt whereas SearchGPT gives you a summary of search query.
In fact, sometimes I have used ChatGPT in a similar way to a search engine, so perhaps it can impact SEO a little, I think that like me, there are many people who use it in a similar way.