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How to Start a Career in Medical Copywriting


Copywriting is the art of writing ads. No matter the type of ads (video ads, print ads, radio ads, etc.), all ads need written text. All forms of advertising begin with copywriting. If you want build a career in copywriting, you need to choose an area and expertise. Since health the number one search topic globally, you can try your hands on medical copywriting. Have you tried medical copywriting?
If you have completed a medical degree in biology or a related field, it can be advantageous, especially if you're considering a career as a medical copywriter in the future. Obtaining certifications can increase your credibility as a medical copywriter, and staying updated with the latest developments in the medical industry is vital. In addition, practicing your skills in writing will be valuable. Although I haven’t worked as a medical copywriter before, I feel I could give it a shot since I took a pre-med course in college (B.S. Biology).
Having a degree in biology or related field might be advantageous but I do not think you need expertise in medical field to become medical copywriter. When you writer copies for medical niches, you are basically writing for common people who do not understand medical terms and jargon, therefore, you do not have to talk about medical terms. You need good language skills, though.
I have done medical copywriting for 20 years already without a degree. We mainly create the content and have the doctor or someone in the practice proofreading and fact-checking. I do this for other niches too: fintech, ecom etc. While I understand most of my clients' industries, I am not an expert in any, so fact-checking is mandatory.
If the copy consists of facts, it should be certainly checked by the experts. If the copy consists of medical terms and health conditions that need to be analyzed, having an expert to check it very necessary. Even when you are writing promotional materials for businesses,m you should never try to spread fake or wrong information. This is important in all industry.
I was actually thinking that to be an effective medical copywriter, one needs to at least have some experience in the field? Because only then can you be able to come up with an acceptable copy.
Am I wrong?
I was actually thinking that to be an effective medical copywriter, one needs to at least have some experience in the field? Because only then can you be able to come up with an acceptable copy.
Am I wrong?
How can you build experience in any field before you work on that field? Everyone works with zero experience, however, you can of course start in any field by building skills and required for the job. For instance to become a medical copywriter, you need copywriting skills and knowledge of medical industry.