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editGPT: An AI Editor


If you have been using AI tools to generate content, you might have noticed that most of the time the language is not very good, generated content poorly performs when it comes to reading score. That's where a tool like editGPT comes in. You can use this tool to improve the language of your generated content. By using this tool you can even humanize your AI generated content. You can use editGPT not just for AI generated content but even your content to polish language.
try it for free
Well, it's a good option, thanks for letting us know. I use ChatGPT premium, but with some serious prompting, because it does generate crappy content.
Never heard of this tool but I tgink this is something I need to try. AI can of course generate good content but most of the time language is crappy. Having an editor will certainly help
Wow, this AI looks very good, I had never heard of it until I read this post, is it free to use? Simply with the feature of improving your translations it seems decent to use.