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Do You Have an Email List


Email marketing is one f the most popular marketing methods on the world wide web. Even though most of the time you hear that email marketing does not work, it is also most used marketing method. Whether email marketing works or not depends on your email list. If you don't have an email list, you cannot send marketing emails. If you have a big email list you can reach a lot of people, if you have a small list, you will be able to reach only few people. Success of your email marketing also depends on the genuine interest of your email subscribers on the products you are promoting. Do you have an email list? How big is your email list?
Even if my email list is small, I understand that growing a huge email list can be quite beneficial for a product or service. It enables you to approach your target audience directly and build deeper relationships with them, particularly when communications are personalized. Furthermore, it is a cost-effective strategy because you do not need to spend on expensive methods to connect with your audience.
Studies show that email marketing has around 6 percent conversion rate. In other words, if you sen emails to 100 people, 6 individuals will check your products and services. Let's say you are sending emails to 1000 people, with the same effort, you will be able to generate 60 sales. If you have 10 thousand emails, you can generate 600 sales. The bigger your email list, the higher your conversion.
Always wanted do create an email list, but I have the platforms and, although I know the exact steps, it drives me crazy when I have to take them one by one.
Building email list can be time consuming. For instance, I have a community with 100 members, I can easily grab email address from my 100 users and start email marketing but retrieving email address and then building an email and then sending the email can be time consuming. Furthermore, we don't know whether these emails are best emails or not.