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What are the best practices for writing engaging medical copy?

Sophia Martinez

New member
We all want our potential patients to consider us an expert in our field and medical content is always a great way to achieve this. How can we make sure the content we post is engaging and useful?
When writing medical copy, you need to balance accuracy with readability while maintaining a tone that doesn't put your readers to sleep :)

Not to mention the entire website needs to show you as an AUTHORITY in the medical field, so that you don't get penalized for running an YMYL (your money or your life) website with no authority.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Use medical concepts, but always explain​

Works for any niche: you cannot properly cover a topic, if you don't define it. So, even if you write about the benefits of Invisalign, at first you need to explain what Invisalign is. A lot of people consider that it's not OK to use medical terms. USE THEM, you cannot educate your patients, if you keep speaking as if they were 2 year olds.

And yet ...

Make sure your content could be understood by a 5th grader​

While you do need to present medical information and quite a detail, don't turn into a medical book, your readers most likely don't have a medical degree. You do present treatments, conditions and other health related topics, but make sure your content is easy to digest.

Be clear and concise​

Use straightforward language and avoid using only medical jargon unless your audience is healthcare professionals. Use short sentences and paragraphs. 2-3 lines the most.

Accuracy and Research

Every statement should be backed by evidence. Cite credible sources and ensure that the information reflects current medical guidelines and practices.

Use Active Voice​

Active voice keeps the writing direct and engaging. Avoid passive constructions, which can make the text feel vague. Search engines also understand active voice better, so it would help you boost rankings.

Audience Awareness​

Tailor the language to your target audience. Writing for patients differs from writing for physicians or healthcare administrators. Adjust the tone, vocabulary, and depth of information accordingly.