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What are the advantages of offering subscription services on eCommerce websites?

Subscription works well if you are offering service based products. For services, it is better to offer subscription based prices instead of one time purchase. When you do that there will be recurring sales, and you will generate regular revenue.
Yeah, even if it's a small price, it adds up and you don't have to bother onboard again. Once a client accepts the subscription payment (and is happy, of course), you get some money every month. If you scale up properly, it can be a decent income.

I am considering a PREMIUM subscription here as well, but I need to prepare the tutorials/books/private forums for it to be worth it. While it would be pretty cheap (probably something like $10/month), it would allow members to get more attention from my part (a bit of a personal mentoring) and access to information I have gathered from courses that cost me thousands of bucks.