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Medical Marketing Forums

The #1 Medical Marketing Forum & Marketplace

Are you a medical professional or business owner? A webmaster? Need support with your online marketing tasks? Join the newest community targeted for marketing enthusiasts.

The Medically's Forum Rules

First of all, thank you for joining our community and sharing your online marketing knowledge with us. We all hate those huge EULAs, so I'll keep it short and sweet.

  1. You can use a pseudonym or your real name, as long as it's not offensive or spammy (ex: "webmaster forum", or "San Diego Dentist").
  2. Don't use foul language. We always have underaged members, let's keep it clean for them.
  3. No affiliate links!
  4. Write useful content and insights. Keep off-topic chat for the Water Cooler area.
  5. Explain your issues thoroughly, so that we can provide the right answers.
  6. Do not PM members, unless they have requested so. Exception: you can PM the admin (dojo), if you have issues with the forums. Any unsolicited PMs will be considered spam and grounds for banning.
  7. We do not delete posts, everything that you write in the community stays here.
  8. Feel free to come and go, we understand people can turn inactive for months/years and then come back. Unless banned, you are ALWAYS welcome back. In order not to have issues with low-quality posting, please don't announce "I am back" or "I am leaving" in the community.
  9. DO NOT USE AI GENERATED CONTENT on the website, please. It's a community with REAL PEOPLE.
  10. We have a forum currency in place, you will get rewarded for posting and can in time buy various perks and cash back options.


  • NO IMAGES - emojis count as images.
  • Maximum of 3 links
You can promote your websites in the signature (of course), keep it clean and simple. Members who abuse their signature option will get their privilege revoked.
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