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Running a forum vs running a blog


I do not have any experience with running a forum. I am trying to set up my own blog but I have experience with running a blog. I have managed a school blog. If you have experience with a blog and a forum, how do you compare forum management with a blog management? Is there any difference or management is almost the same?
Running a blog is easy because all you need to do is write your content and publish your content, however, running a forum means you bring in members and make them active, which is very difficult task. However, it is easier to bring traffic on forums compared to blogs
Running a blog is easy because all you need to do is write your content and publish your content, however, running a forum means you bring in members and make them active, which is very difficult task. However, it is easier to bring traffic on forums compared to blogs
You say bringing traffic in forums is easier than bringing traffic on blogs. How is that? Does this mean you can rank higher on search engines through Forum compared to blogs?
Forums allow people to register and engage in discussion. Imagine a forum where there are 100 active users who make 10 posts every day. You will easily get 1000 page views form these active users. Since forum contents do not have good quality as being user generated ranking on search engines is difficult