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How do you find clients for your services


Let's say you are a marketer and you sell marketing services. How do you find clients and customers? So they find you through your social pages or website? Do you use freelance market to sell your services? How do you get marketing gigs? Even if you sell other services, how do you find customers?
In the past, I was active on multiple freelance markets and I used to get clients through these freelance markets but these days I get most of my clients through promotion forums.
In the past, I was active on multiple freelance markets and I used to get clients through these freelance markets but these days I get most of my clients through promotion forums.
So you get clients through forums. On forums do they just contact you or you pitch to the prospective client? How likely is it to get clients from social media.
So you get clients through forums. On forums do they just contact you or you pitch to the prospective client? How likely is it to get clients from social media.
Forums, especially promotional forums have a marketplace, where you can list your service. I list my service and also sometimes pitch my offer. Social media can be good but the main problem is finding trust worthy clients.