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How do you find a marketer?


Let's say you have a business or product and services to sell. How do you find a marketer to help marketing your business or products? Do you use freelance market or take recommendations from friends and family. Or do you look for them on social media, or do you go to a marketing company?
When I was new to this marketing niche, I hired a marketer through SEOClerks, Fiverr, and Upwork. I mostly worked with social media marketers. I have never worked with marketing agency
When I was new to this marketing niche, I hired a marketer through SEOClerks, Fiverr, and Upwork. I mostly worked with social media marketers. I have never worked with marketing agency
You mean, you found them on freelance market. Have you looked for marketers on social media, I mean influencer marketer
You mean, you found them on freelance market. Have you looked for marketers on social media, I mean influencer marketer
I have done influencer marketing but I did not contact influencer directly through social media. I found them on freelance market and then checked their social pages to determine whether they were the right fit or not.