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How can I manage inventory effectively on an eCommerce website?

Ethan Thompson

New member
What tools and strategies should I use to manage inventory efficiently on my eCommerce site? Should I focus on real-time stock tracking, integrating with third-party inventory software, or automating restock alerts?
Based on the ecommerce platform you use, you can have addons or plugins for inventory management. These addons/plugins will send alert when you are low in stocks or out of stocks. You should also focus on restocking best selling products as soon as you get low stock alert.
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Make use to SKU and other stock inventory options and most of the platforms would most likely keep track of what you have.
If you are using dropshipping method to sell, you will have to check with the supplier to see the status of the inventory. However, if you are selling from your own inventory, you will need to regularly check the inventory to see whether you have enough products. You will have to stock up more products that sell more.