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How can I improve the speed of my eCommerce website?

Ethan Thompson

New member
I know that age speed is critical for eCommerce sites. How can I improve loading times and keep customers from bouncing? Should I prioritize image compression, use a CDN, or optimize my hosting setup?
According to the research, if it takes more than 10 seconds to loan the page, people will just abandon the page and go elsewhere. Therefore, generating sales on a slow loading ecommerce website can be difficult. You need to choose a hosting that offer unlimited bandwith and a huge diskspace. You also need to use responsive design and try to limit your web page size to less than 3.5 MB.
More than 2 seconds and you're losing traffic and can get bad rankings.

After years of trying all kinds of options (usually 2-3 plugins to do the work), I am now using WP Rocket. It's a premium account, but it does most of the job OK. Of course, you need to be careful with how you handle javascript settings (as it can mess up forms and designs), but overall it's a decent plugin.
Since customers have a lot of options, they do not have time to wait for your website to load fully.Limiting plugin usage, limiting media usage, optimizing images, using light weight themes etc. can contribute to faster speed. By the way I have never heard of WP Rocket, and I would like to know more about it.