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How can I choose the right domain name for my website?

Sophia Martinez

New member
What factors should I consider when selecting a domain name? Should I prioritize keywords, brand recognition, or length? How important is it to choose the right domain extension (.com, .net, etc.)?
To rank locally, you'd need to have the "service" name somewhere and, ideally, the location. Something like dallasdentalpros.com, landscape-houston.com, injurydoctornyc.com. Keep is short, don't go crazy with something like chiropractorprofessionalsdowntownlosangeles.com for instance, people still need to be able to 1. remember the thing, 2. type on mobile, if needed. Not to mention it's easier to brand dallasdentalpros for instance than a huge name :D
You need a keyword for your domain, your keyword should be related to your website niche. For instance, if you are creating a "health niche" website, your domain should include "health" in the name. If you can, it is better to niche down. For instance, if your health website is related to diet keto diet, you can use "keto diet" in the domain name. Even though search engines do not discriminate websites based on the domain extension, using the popular options like dot com or dot net gives your domain a professional look