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Medical Marketing Forums

The #1 Medical Marketing Forum & Marketplace

Are you a medical professional or business owner? A webmaster? Need support with your online marketing tasks? Join the newest community targeted for marketing enthusiasts.

Hello, this is Dojo


Staff member
I'm so excited to start this new chapter for our community.

My real name is Ramona Jar, I am an SEO, helping medical and non-medical professionals with their online marketing. I have been using the nickname DOJO for the past 2 decades though, since I was a karateka and a beginner webmaster.

After a few years hiatus I decided to restart a forum, as I get a lot of technical questions from my clients and gather a lot of insights myself. It's a pity for it to go to waste.

Whether you are a current client of The Medically, a webmaster who tries to work with clients or a business owner who struggles with marketing, let's create together a safe haven for all of us.

Thank you for joining our community and hope you all have a great stay here.
Ramona, I'm so excited to be a part of this journey. We are thankful for all the work you've done for Dental 3DU, but there's always stuff that needs our attention and I have to admit I'm nowhere near your extensive knowledge. Expect a lot of questions :D
Hello Ramona,
Your screen name always gave me a though that you were involved in some sort of martial arts. :D
You have created a nice community and I see a lot of prospect for this community.
I am not an expert but I also do online marketing and SEO and hopefully, I will learn from this community and share what I know.
Hello, Dojo, good to meet you here. When I was in high school, Karate was a part of our ECA program and I used to do Karate, but I was not much interested in it.