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Do you have a website?


I don't have a website but I am planning to create a blog. My blog would be on health niche. Do you have a website? What kind of website is it, a blog, a forum, a business website, ecommerce site, what else? How long have you been running this website for? Do you make money from your website?
I have a bunch of websites. In the past I was running as many as 20 websites (blogs, forums and online stores), however, these days I have 5 websites. I sold most of my websites and those that I was unable to sell merged with my other websites
I previously had a website, but due to unfortunate circumstances, I failed to renew it. Honestly, I didn't expect to make money from it since I initially created it to address my mental health issues. So, I was over the moon when I discovered I could actually earn from it. I plan to get a new domain next month in hopes of generating income.