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I have basic skills with Canva, but I have never used Photoshop. Do you think I should spend time learning and mastering Photoshop to build my graphic designing skills or do you think learning Canva skills will be sufficient for me to become a graphic designer?
I've done some pretty cool stuff with Canva and, when I don't really want to spend too much time with the layers in Photoshop, I'll create a template in Canva and then use it. Pretty strong tool.
Yes, 8t 8s really easy to use canva, you can start with existing templates, which saves a lot of time, but what about the originality of your designs. Canva templates are used by a lot of people, right?
Canva is good for quick design but if you want to create elaborate design and want to create a unique piece, Canva is pretty useless. Canva is do it yourself tool for general people, Photoshop is for professionals.